Sunday, March 5, 2017

Blog Post#4 The Trip to United Kingdom & Alexandre Desplat

The fourth post is presenting the trip to United Kingdom and another composer Alexandre Desplat. In 2011, I went to the UK to experience foreign culture. The trip was my first trip abroad. Unfortunately, I could not go to London. Instead, York, Manchester was the place I visited. It may be recognizable with a soccer team Manchester United. The location is shown on Google Maps and I made the slideshow containing some pictures from my trip. 

Speaking of the UK, The King's Speech (2010) is one of my favorite films. The story is based on the story of King George VI in UK. He met one speech therapist to improve his weakness of being in front of an audience and practicing speech will be worth while for his life. Alexandre Desplat composed for the movie. He was born in France and started to learn piano when he was five. My impression of the soundtrack of The King's Speech is kind of sad but gives me some encouragement. Here is the examples of score: 

Besides the film, his work has been nominated for Academy Awards for Best Original Music Score. In 2015, he got the Oscar for his score for The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) in 2015. Here is one of the scores: I have not watched this film yet. The impression of score could be different by watching or not watching the film. 

The whole point of this post is that films sometimes remind me what I have done in the past and the story of the film. I hope you enjoy listening to the two example scores. 

The links  for the fourth blog: 

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