Sunday, February 19, 2017

Blog Post#1 Welcome to soundtrack blog

Hi all! This blog introduces some soundtracks and how they create and influence films. The reason I started this blog is because my hobby is watching films. I like any kind of films because films, for me, shows what I've never known. Even if the story is fiction, I think I always get something from movies. Soundtracks in movies is one of the affections to have indescribable feelings.

With soundtracks , a film could be more fascinating and people are amazed by the relationship between the movie and the soundtrack. No matter where you are in the audience, you could enjoy watching and creating movies. It happens in each theater, home, or mobile devices. I hope you would enjoy and listen to a soundtrack that you have not heard before, For this first post, I put the link below where director Steven Spielberg praises composer John Williams and talks ahead the process of connection between shooting a film and composing a soundtrack. See you all in the next post.

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